
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Encoding Strings to Base64 in C#

I recently had the need to convert simple strings back and forth from Base64 encoding. It turned out to be relatively simple in .Net, once you figured out which class libraries you needed to combine.
It turns out the System.Convert has two handy methods for dealing with Base64, ToBase64String and FromBase64String. On the ToBase64String, we have a bit of a challenge, since it expects a byte array and not a string to be passed in.
It does make a certain amount of sense, typically you aren’t encoding a simple string but instead a binary object such as a file, which is usually represented as an array of bytes. For us, this means we have to take our string and convert it to a byte array.
You’d think the string class would have a nice static method to handle this, but alas it does not. Instead we have to turn to System.Text. I imagine most of you are working with ASCII encoding, so here we’ll call on the ASCIIEncoding.ASCIII class, and use it’s GetBytes to convert a string to bytes.
The small method below combines the two methods I’ve described to create a Base64 encoded string from a normal string.
    static public string EncodeTo64(string toEncode)
      byte[] toEncodeAsBytes
            = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(toEncode);
      string returnValue
            = System.Convert.ToBase64String(toEncodeAsBytes);
      return returnValue;

Note two things, first I am using ASCII encoding, which should cover most folks. Just in case though, System.Text has encodings for the various flavors of UTF as well as Unicode. Just choose the appropriate encoding method for your need.
Second, I made the class static because I was using a console app for my test harness. While it could be static in your class, there’s no reason it has to be. Your choice.
OK, we’ve got the string encoded, at some point we’re going to want to decode it. We essentially do the reverse of encoding, we call the FromBase64String and pass in our encoded string, which returns a byte array. We then call the AsciiEncoding GetString to convert our byte array to a string. Here’s a small method to Decode your Base64 strings.
    static public string DecodeFrom64(string encodedData)
      byte[] encodedDataAsBytes
          = System.Convert.FromBase64String(encodedData);
      string returnValue =
      return returnValue;

Finally, here’s a simple test harness, done in a console app, to show you calls to the two methods.

      string myData = “Here is a string to encode.”;

      string myDataEncoded = EncodeTo64(myData);

      string myDataUnencoded = DecodeFrom64(myDataEncoded);


Be aware, I’ve done no error checking here. My little methods assume that the data you are decoding will properly convert to and from a string. If that’s not the case you could wind up with a serious case of gibberish, if not cause a run time exception. If you are not positive that all you are dealing with is simple strings, then make effort to include some try / catch logic in your implementation.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

SQLite Database For Android

Android default Database engine is Lite. SQLite is a lightweight transactional database engine that occupies small amout of disk storage and memory, so its a perfect choice for creating databases on many mobile operating systems such as Android, iOS.

Things to consider when dealing with SQLite:

  1. Data type integrity is not maintained in SQLite, you can put a value of a certain data type in a column of another dataype (put string in an integer and vice versa).
  2. Referential integrity is not maintained in SQLite, there is no FOREIGN KEY constraints or JOIN statements.
  3. SQLite Full Unicode support is optional and not installed by default.

In this tutorial we will create a simple database application to store employees data.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Android 2.3 Official Video

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Understanding Resources in Android

Resources in Android are files stored under the res directory of your project. Resources can be physical files (Audio, video, images, text, etc…) or xml files that declare some values to use in your application.

Why use Resources:
  1. The resources are bound to the application in a way that you can change them without needing to change the source code or recompile the application.
  2. The Android Generates an ID for each resource file so you can access them directly and easily. All the resources IDs are added to the R.Java file.
  3. When you use XML resource files, Android pareses these files automatically so you can reference values defined in them directly with no extra effort.
  4. Using resources is very useful in Localization and Internationalization of the application in case you develop multilingual applications. This includes not just the labels but it can include alignment, directions images or any kind of files.
Types of resources:
  • Strings, colors, arrays, dimensions. Defined in res/values/ directory. Using them is very useful in Localization and Internationalization.
  • Images put in res/drawable directory. You can put all the images or icons you need in your application.
  • Animations, defined in res/anime/ directory. You can define animations that for example correspond to a button click.
  • XML, defined in res/xml/ directory for xml files containing your custom data.
  • Layout resources, defined in res/layout/ for declaring the views that construct the user interface of the activities.

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